
Nora teaching Glory, one of her students, how to count.

Sightsavers to share expertise on inclusive education at global conference

Sightsavers’ education, research and policy teams will join the global education community at the UKFIET international education conference on 12-14 September in Oxford, UK.

August 2023
Veronica Stapleton.

Making assessments more accessible for children with disabilities

How an evaluation tool to assess children’s development has been adapted for young children with disabilities in Kenya.

Veronica Stapleton, February 2023
Gillian Mackay and Liesbeth Roolvink.

On data and disability: piloting the Child Functioning Module in Nigerian schools

Sightsavers’ Liesbeth Roolvink and Gillian Mackay share learnings from the SMILE project in Nigeria, where a new questionnaire is being used in schools to assess children’s educational needs.

Sightsavers, February 2023

Sightsavers at the CIES global education conference

In February 2023, Sightsavers will present at the Comparative and International Education Society conference in Washington DC.

February 2023
A teacher in Nigeria outs her arm on a student's shoulders as they stand at the blackboard.

Transforming education for every child in Kenya and Nigeria

In Nigeria and Kenya, two innovative education projects are enabling children with disabilities to reach their potential.

February 2023
Mariana Rudge.

Did world leaders do their homework to transform education?

Sightsavers’ Mariana Rudge shares how world leaders at the Transforming Education Summit responded to our call to take action on inclusive education.

Mariana Rudge, October 2022
A young boy sits at a desk in a classroom, writing in an exercise book. A teacher stands next to him offering guidance.

Transforming education: how we’re doing our homework too

Sightsavers’ Liesbeth Roolvink shares the work we’re doing in programme countries to help transform education systems so that all children can go to school.

Liesbeth Roolvink, October 2022
A group of young children playing on a climbing frame outside a school

#DoYourHomework campaign aims to transform inclusive education

The global campaign calls on leaders attending the UN’s Transforming Education Summit to take urgent action on inclusive education.

September 2022
Nora teaches numbers to pre-school children. A child using a wheelchair sits on her left.

Transforming Education Summit: our call for world leaders

Sightsavers’ inclusive education policy officer Takyiwa Danso explains why we’re calling on global leaders to protect the rights of children with disabilities.

Takyiwa Danso, September 2022
A man sits on a stationary motorbike with Saio on the backseat. They are both wearing helmets and surgical masks.

We must include students with disabilities in education transformation

Sightsavers’ Gertrude Oforiwa Fefoame shares why inclusion and diversity must be at the heart of discussions at the UN's Transforming Education Summit.

Gertrude Oforiwa Fefoame, September 2022
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