About Sightsavers

Our vision is of a world where no one is blind from avoidable causes, and where people with disabilities can participate equally in society.

Watch our video to see what we do

Sightsavers works in more than 30 countries to prevent avoidable blindness and fight for the rights of people with disabilities.

We treat eye conditions such as cataracts and tackle debilitating diseases, many of which cause sight loss. To do this, we work with governments and local, national and international partners to carry out eye operations and distribute treatments where they’re needed.

We also advocate for the rights of people with visual impairments and other disabilities, and help to improve local health services so they are sustainable.

We have more than 70 years of experience behind us, and we’re proud to be a leader in our field. Our programmes consistently achieve high performance ratings from the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

A small pie chart showing 91% coloured in pink, and 9% coloured in yellow.Where do donations go?
91% of donations, including donated supplies, go to our vital charity work, and 9% help us grow our awareness and funding.

8.8 million
cataract operations performed by us since we were launched
people with disabilities trained to help them earn a living
1.6 billion
treatments distributed to prevent debilitating diseases

We've been saving sight for more than 70 years

Our history

What we do

Protecting sight

We prevent sight loss and avoidable blindness in some of the poorest parts of the world by treating conditions such as cataracts and refractive error.
Our work to protect sight

Fighting disease

We help to treat and prevent five debilitating diseases that affect more than a billion people. These are known as neglected tropical diseases.
About the diseases

Disability rights

We promote equal opportunities and we campaign for disability rights so everyone has the chance to receive an education and earn a living.
Our fight for disability rights

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Where we work

Sightsavers works in more than 30 countries worldwide, focusing on Africa and Asia. We partner with local, regional, national and international organisations, governments and non-governmental organisations. With their help, we distribute treatments to prevent disease, carry out operations and eye examinations, and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities.
Find out where we work

How we’re run

We aim to perform to the highest standards, and we strive to be as transparent as possible so you can be sure your money is being used wisely.

We can only achieve our goals thanks to the generosity of our supporters. Every gift you give is vital in achieving Sightsavers’ goal of eliminating avoidable blindness and promoting equality for people with disabilities. Read about how we’re run

Our president is Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra, and our former patron is Her Majesty The Queen. Read about our royal ambassadors

Sightsavers in depth:

Why donate to Sightsavers?

How your gift can help