Sightsavers in Togo

We’re working with Togo’s ministry of health to deliver vital charity work that protects people from river blindness.

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Located on the west coast of Africa, Togo is one of the smallest countries on the continent.

The government of Togo plans to implement universal health insurance, yet the health care system lacks skilled staff, modern facilities and financial resources. This can make it harder for people on lower incomes and those in rural areas to get medical help.

River blindness, a neglected tropical disease, is widespread in many regions of the country. This parasitic infection is spread by the bite of infected flies and can cause irreversible blindness if left untreated.

Sightsavers is working with Togo’s ministry of health to control the disease and reduce its impact by improving health care. We train local volunteers to give out medication, and we carry out surveys to track the spread of the disease. We also educate communities to raise awareness about the importance of eye health.

Facts about Togo

  • Population: 9 million
  • Capital: Lome
  • Official language: French
  • Human development index (HDI) ranking: 162 (low)

10% of the population in Togo are thought to have vision loss

There are only 3 ophthalmologists for every one million people

3.9 million people in the country need treatment for river blindness

Sources: IAPB, ESPEN

A health worker holds a pot of pills and pours some out into his hands.

“The best part of my job is ensuring future generations never lose their sight from diseases such as river blindness.”

A health worker holds a pot of pills and pours some out into his hands.
Boubacar Morou Dicko, Sightsavers Togo country director

How you can help

Our charity work in Togo is helping to protect communities from river blindness, but there’s still more we need to do to reach everyone.

With your support, we want to expand our treatment campaigns to other areas of the country where river blindness is endemic, which can cause permanent blindness if left untreated. To do this, we need your help.

Charity donations, legacies, corporate partnerships and gifts from charitable foundations are a vital source of funding for our work in Togo. We also welcome opportunities to work in partnership with governments, institutions and development organisations.

Contact us: If you have any questions about our work in Togo, would like more information about our programmes or wish to discuss ways you can donate or support us, email [email protected]

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