Sightsavers in Niger

We’re working with our partners in Niger and across Africa to distribute medication to protect people from infectious diseases.

Niger is the largest landlocked country in the Sahel region of West Africa.

While some health care services are provided for free, the government of Niger is working to introduce universal health care. As one of the poorest countries in the world, the health care system lacks essential resources and skilled staff.

Three neglected tropical diseases are endemic in Niger, putting millions of people at risk of blindness and disability. Our work in the country focuses on protecting communities from trachoma, schistosomiasis and lymphatic filariasis.

Sightsavers has helped to tackle neglected tropical diseases in the country through the Ascend West and Central Africa programme. In the first year of Ascend, we helped to carry out 200 operations for hydrocele, a painful condition caused by the swelling associated with lymphatic filariasis.

Facts about Niger

  • Population: 25 million
  • Capital: Niamey
  • Official languages: French
  • Human development index (HDI) ranking: 189 (low)

It’s thought that 2.7 million people in Niger have vision loss

There is only one ophthalmologist in the country for every 1 million people

11 million people need medication to protect them against at least one disease


Two villagers in Niger walk among dusty coloured huts.

People in Niger are at high risk of catching lymphatic filariasis, a parasitic disease transmitted via mosquito bite

Two villagers in Niger walk among dusty coloured huts.

How you can help

Our work in Niger is helping to protect people from infectious diseases, but there’s still more we need to do.

With your support, we want to ensure everyone in Niger is protected from neglected tropical diseases that can cause blindness and disability. To do this, we need your help.

Charity donations, legacies, corporate partnerships and gifts from charitable foundations are a vital source of funding for our work in Niger. We also welcome opportunities to work in partnership with governments, institutions and development organisations.

Contact us: If you have any questions about our work in Niger, would like more information about our programmes or wish to discuss ways you can donate or support us, email [email protected]

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