
Nanny Powers holds her voting card.

Nanny’s story

Nanny Powers founded Cameroon’s National Association of Persons with Short Stature, a disability organisation for people with restricted growth.

Eveline’s story

“People have a lot of misconceptions about blind women. They think that people with visual impairments cannot do anything at all.”

Floreal Serge Adieme wearing dark glasses and holding a white cane.

Adieme’s story

“I think if there is a wide mobilisation of the vote among disabled people, it can change things in our country.”

Poligarpo smiles after returning home following his cataract operation.

Poligarpo’s story

Poligarpo, from Mozambique, had lost his independence after being blinded by cataracts. But a straightforward operation restored his vision and gave him his life back.

A group of children in Ghana smile and wave at the camera.

Ghana waves goodbye to trachoma

In June 2018 Ghana officially became trachoma-free, showing how your kind donations make a real difference.

Zuhara from Tanzania stands outside her primary school

Eliminating trachoma in Tanzania

With your support, we're determined to eliminate trachoma in Tanzania by 2020, saving sight and transforming lives.

Gladys Atoo in her Doctor's uniform, smiles at the camera

Gladys’s story

Gladys Atto is an everyday hero, saving sight and building long-term eye health services in Uganda. She’s one of the talented cataract surgeons whose training you’ve supported.

Faiyyazan sits in a waiting room

How partnerships help us reach marginalised communities

In Pakistan, we work with disabled people’s organisations to ensure our new eye health programme is inclusive and accessible for people with disabilities.

Nadir, a young boy from Bangladesh. His cataracts are clearly visible.

Nadir’s story

Three-year-old Nadir had cataracts in both eyes since birth, which severely affected his vision. But an operation restored his sight and changed his life.

Zamurrad sits on her bed at home in Pakistan after receiving cataract surgery.

Zamurrad’s story

Zamurrad’s life ground to a halt when she developed cataracts, but a straightforward operation gave her back her independence.

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