
Surgeon Kabir wearing face mask on motorbike

Providing trachoma treatment during lockdown in Nigeria

Dozens of people have received vital post-operative treatment for trachoma despite COVID-19 restrictions, thanks to eye surgeon Kabir Yahaya.

A man talks with community members.

James's story

James came to the Kakuma refugee camp in 2015 after fleeing war in South Sudan. He now works for the camp’s eye clinic, where he reassures patients about their treatment.

Rebecca stands alongside her five children in front of a building in Northern Kenya.

Rebecca's story

Rebecca from South Sudan, who has advanced trachoma, has been living in a refugee camp in northern Kenya, since 2013.

A man smiling.

Collins' story

Disability activist Collins Ombajo shares his personal story, his work in advocacy and what drives him to be involved in the Inclusive Futures programme.

Seven-year-old Muzi together with his father

Muzi’s story

Seven-year-old Muzi struggled to see due to blinding trachoma. Thanks to life-changing surgery through UK aid, he is one of many who have got their sight back.

A man and women sit smiling, with their daughter in between them.

Celebrating mothers, father and carers on Global Day of Parents

As we celebrate mothers, fathers and carers on Global Day of Parents, meet nine who have been part of Sightsavers' projects.

A woman laughing.

Agatha's Story

Dr Agatha Aboe, from Ghana, has worked at Sightsavers for 10 years. She’s extremely dedicated to eliminating the blinding neglected tropical disease trachoma.

Aziza smiles at the eye screening camp.

Aziza’s story

Aziza, from Nampula province in Mozambique, had been struggling with her eyesight for some time. But thanks to players of People's Postcode Lottery, she had surgery and gained a new lease of life. 

A man smiling while sat on a motorbike.

Celebrating our health workers on World Health Day

As we thank all our health workers on World Health Day, meet six who have worked with Sightsavers to help improve eye care for people in their communities.

Claiming rights and restoring sight: Shamima’s story

Shamima, who is hearing and speech impaired, has developed a unique way to communicate with her close family.