Sightsavers Reports

“I’m able to do things I couldn’t do before”

Salifat smiles at the camera

Salifat, a 60-year-old widow, is the main caregiver and breadwinner for her family. In 2016, she noticed her leg was swollen, which prompted her to seek medical help.

“When the swelling and fever started, I thought it was caused by malaria, so my children decided to take me to the hospital. There, the staff treated me as best they could and I felt a bit better, so I went back home. But the swelling continued. We had spent so much money to get to the hospital and I never received a diagnosis,” explains Salifat.

Once back home, the fever returned and the swelling doubled in size. Salifat’s daughter, Mainna, remembers the difficulties the swelling caused. “I was with her since the beginning of her illness and I became her caregiver,” says Mainna. “Before, she used to visit the neighbours, attend weddings and walk long distances without stress. But when the swelling got really bad, she could not walk long distances and sometimes struggled to even stand.”

Salifat sits in a chair outside her home while her granddaughters sit around her on the ground. A woman is bending over to serve white rice into silver bowls.
Salifat and her family sit down for a meal.

A year later, Surajo Khadi, a local health worker, found Salifat and identified that the swelling was caused by advanced lymphatic filariasis (LF), a neglected tropical disease (NTD) transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito.

If left untreated, LF can affect the lymphatic system, causing enlarged body parts, which can be extremely painful and can lead to permanent physical changes. This condition, called lymphoedema, can also be highly stigmatised. Although people with advanced LF cannot be cured, their symptoms can be eased through care practices that help manage the swelling.

The swelling made life difficult for Salifat. She was not only trying to earn a living by selling provisions like rice and oranges at her store, but she was also responsible for caring for her grandchildren after the death of one of her daughters.

“I have six children and eight grandchildren. I shoulder their responsibilities and take care of them,” says Salifat.

Salifat sits down with her right leg in a bowl. A health care worker stands next her pouring water on her leg from a teapot.
Surajo Khadi visits Salifat at her home in Kebbi State, Nigeria to help her manage the symptoms of LF and prevent further infection.

Once visited by the local health worker, Salifat was immediately invited to a training session to learn how to relieve the symptoms caused by LF.

“During the training, they taught us exercises we could do to help with the swelling,” says Salifat. “We were taught how to wash and dry our legs and given ointment to apply to our legs after washing them. They also told us to use pillows to elevate our legs while we sleep.

“Since receiving the training I have gotten better and I am able to do things I was not able to do before, even my walking has improved. I will continue to use the training I received and tell others about it.”

Salifat watches her daughter Mainna pour lentils into a container. They are standing in front of bowls of rice and pulses.
Salifat and her daughter Mainna work together at their store.

Mainna is happy that her mother has received the care she needed and is grateful that she is able to resume everyday activities.

“I’m really happy that she’s feeling better,” shares Mainna. “My mother has done a lot for our family. She has sacrificed a lot for us and is the definition of a mother. She has raised us well and we are what we have become today because of her.”

Salifat has high hopes for the future. “We should take care of our bodies, and my wish for myself is to have good health and strength. If God grants me a long life, I want my grandchildren to have an education. I want to see them get married and build houses.”

Images © Rey Byhre and Ikechi Ugwoeje

Salifat sits on a mat while praying. Next to her, three women are bending over to pray.

“We should take care of our bodies. My wish is to have good health and strength.”

Salifat sits on a mat while praying. Next to her, three women are bending over to pray.

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