Fighting disease

A woman washes her hands during COVID-19 response training while a man observes.

Stepping up to stop the spread of COVID-19 in Ghana

Ghana has not been spared in the coronavirus crisis, but luckily the country started its response early, with NTD support redirected.

December 2020
A man holds up a poster to community members during a COVID awareness campaign.

How NTD programmes helped prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Liberia

The Ascend West and Central Africa programme partners helped Liberia respond to the COVID-19 crisis. Here, we tell how.

December 2020
A school-aged boy has his height measured to receive deworming treatment during a school based mass drug administration.

Sightsavers ranked as a top charity by GiveWell for fifth year in a row

The charity evaluator has once again praised Sightsavers’ deworming programmes in Africa for their cost-effectiveness and transparency.

November 2020
A small child receives his annual dose of medication to protect him from trachoma.

Sightsavers’ director joins Lancet Commission on COVID-19

Sightsavers’ director of neglected tropical diseases, Simon Bush, has joined a new international COVID-19 task force set up by The Lancet.

November 2020
A man is measured against a dole pole to determine how much lymphatic filariasis treatment he needs.

Sightsavers welcomes new WHO NTD 2030 road map

Sightsavers welcomes WHO’s new NTD 2030 road map, which sets out global targets and milestones for 2030 in order to prevent, control, eliminate and eradicate a diverse set of 20 diseases and disease groups.

November 2020
A woman records survey information on a mobile phone app while two survey participant look on.

Photos from Sightsavers river blindness projects feature at prominent research event

A selection of Sightsavers river blindness photographs featured as part of the Coalition for Operational Research on Neglected Tropical Diseases (COR-NTD) conference.

November 2020
Two people sit outside inputting data.

Finding nomadic communities: our research in action

How do you provide treatment for neglected tropical diseases like river blindness when you can’t find some of the people who are most at risk?

November 2020
Volunteers wash their hands and practice social distancing before a training.

COVID-19 and neglected tropical disease innovation

When COVID-19 forced Sightsavers and partners to pause some NTD programmes in Africa, we worked quickly to adapt and restart them as quickly and safely as possible.

November 2020
A poster that says 'COVID has not gone away' and showcasing one-meter social distancing.

How the WASH initiative adapted to respond to COVID-19

Together with ministries and other organisations, Sightsavers has been working on COVID-19 behavioural messaging campaigns in nine African countries to reach millions of people across radio, television, social media and via billboards and leaflets.

Pelagie Boko-Collins, November 2020
A community volunteer measures Jumah's height.

Rigorous mitigation strategies vital for restarting NTD community health work

Resuming mass drug administration programmes to treat neglected tropical diseases is essential to reach WHO 2021-2030 NTD Roadmap targets, according to a new report.

November 2020
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