
Roshani at a school eye screening in India.

Changing perceptions about living with blindness through positive role models

Our experience clearly tells us that blind people largely exist in the fringes of our community. Being blind is not the problem, it is the understanding.

Guest Blogger, January 2015
A sign telling people to wash their hands and face with soap to prevent trachoma.

Unintended consequences in health care

"I’ve been in Zambia these last two weeks looking at the eye healthcare system, and I’ve been reminded about the unintended consequences."

Andrew Griffiths, June 2014
close up of hands holding a tube of ointment which is used for trachoma infections.

How universal health coverage can help eliminate trachoma

Imagine this: your child comes home from school one day with itchy, sticky eyes. What do you do? You take them to your local clinic to make sure they’re OK.

Helen Hamilton, March 2014
A boy washes his face to prevent the spread of trachoma infection.

A SAFE way forward: Women, trachoma and WASH

You might be wondering why World Water Day is important for Sightsavers. It's because access to clean water and sanitation aids the prevention of blindness.

Helen Hamilton, March 2013