
A young boy smiles and waves at the camera.

The African Disability Protocol: a call to leave no one behind

The African Disability Protocol is unique to the continent and takes African practices and concerns into consideration so that the lives of people with disabilities improve.

Grace Antwi-Atsu, August 2021
A young girl raising her hand in a classroom.

Global Education Summit: what did Sightsavers’ Equal World campaign call for?

As leaders from more than 80 countries gathered at the summit, Sightsavers highlighted the need for policy commitments on the rights of children with disabilities.

Sightsavers, August 2021
A group of eight people together, all wearing masks. One person is holding a white cane and one person is a wheelchair user.

Small changes, big difference: accessibility audits in action

Audits were recently carried out in Ghana to assess whether two hospitals, including their mental health units, were meeting accessibility standards, and to identify areas for improvement.

Peter Kwasi, July 2021
A table is laid out in front of a sign that says 'Disability Inclusive SDGs: Leaving no one behind'

Achieving the SDGs: three lessons from the High-Level Political Forum

Every year, as we examine progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, it is clear to see that setting ambition is easier than achieving it.

Andrew Griffiths, July 2021
A group of people with disabilities raise their hands.

How inclusive voluntary national reviews can help us work towards the SDGs

Sightsavers' Aissata Ndiaye shares key highlights from a discussion at the UN High-Level Political Forum about the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

Aissata Ndiaye, July 2021
A person wearing a mask sits in a room between the silhouetted figures of two other people.

Addressing the unequal pandemic

An international group of civil society organisations has examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people who have been marginalised - the results have been published in a new report.

Sightsavers, July 2021
two women sit together talking. One is sitting in a wheelchair.

Social behaviour change: our learning journey

We've done plenty of learning and thinking recently about what social behaviour change means for Sightsavers. Take a look at what we've been working on.

Cathy Stephen, July 2021
Trachoma patient Maria Fonte gives Mercia a hug after the bandages are removed from her eyes following sight-saving surgery.

Research shows impact of Sightsavers’ work on eye health in Mozambique

Sightsavers has been working to strengthen eye health services in Mozambique since 2007. Now, new research shows exactly what we have achieved.

Mercia Cumaio, July 2021
A woman in Karachi, Pakistan having a consultation on diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetic retinopathy: a growing challenge in Pakistan

Pakistan is on the brink of a diabetes epidemic, and Sightsavers has spent the past decade working to combat diabetes-related blindness in the country. Here's what we've learned.

Sightsavers, June 2021
A laughing while holding a baby.

Why tackling disability discrimination is key to employment projects

As part of our Connecting the Dots project in Uganda, we tested a new way of boosting employment rates by influencing communities, families and businesses to act more positively toward people with disabilities.

Edith Kagoya, June 2021
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