From the field

Usman smiles after receiving eye surgery.

November 2019 updates: highlights from around the world

In Nigeria, a lymphatic filariasis patient is planning to marry his partner after receiving treatment to stop his pain. Plus news from Senegal, Zambia and India.

November 2019
Emmanuel Nyamkeen measures a woman's height to determine how much medication to give her.

October updates: highlights from around the world

In Nigeria, an eye health volunteer has been rewarded for helping to prevent river blindness for more than 20 years. Plus news from Zimbabwe, Ghana and Mali.

October 2019
A group of students in blue uniforms, wearing paper masks on their heads.

How soap and superheroes are changing lives

Geordie Woods explains how the Super School of Five trachoma prevention programme is protecting school children from this devastating disease.

October 2019
Three women posing together with smiles.

How Sightsavers celebrated World Sight Day

To mark World Sight Day 2019 on 10 October, Sightsavers country offices celebrated by highlighting the need to provide good-quality eye care to everyone.

October 2019
Two women and five small children stand outside their home.

“That lady who was going blind? Look at her now!”

In northern Kenya, Sightsavers’ Sarah Filbey visits an eye camp that treats both trachoma and cataracts, ensuring everyone gets the life-changing help they need.

October 2019
A group of women walk underneath a Sightsavers sign which reads: Screening camp.

Halving blindness in the remote Sundarbans

In this rural mangrove region of eastern India, one in 50 people used to be blind. But a Sightsavers project has transformed eye health in the area, changing thousands of lives.

October 2019
A woman stands outside her home.

Eye care for everyone in India

Sightsavers India is partnering with hospitals, tapping into existing eye care systems and creating new ones to provide affordable eye care for people living in some of the poorest areas of the country.

October 2019
A truck driver sits in his truck.

Roadside eye care: helping Indian truckers stay safe behind the wheel

Sightsavers' Kate McCoy spent three days at a noisy roadside truck stop to see how Sightsavers is helping truck drivers to get the vital eye treatment they need.

October 2019
Trachoma patient Mariam outside her home in Benin.

“I want to be able to dance again”

Sightsavers’ Katya Mira witnessed the first round of eye operations in Benin to treat blinding trachoma, and saw three women’s lives transformed.

October 2019
Sarita Choure at the judo championships.

September updates: highlights from around the world

News from India, featuring a Sightsavers-supported judoka who won a bronze medal at a Commonwealth competition. Plus the latest from Kenya, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Zambia.

September 2019