From the field

Babacar performs surgery wearing protective equipment on a trachoma patient.

Saving sight in Senegal during the COVID-19 pandemic

Without eye surgeon Babacar's efforts, people could have been at risk of going blind from the advanced form of trachoma during the lockdown.

July 2020
Dr Amadou wearing scrubs and a face mask.

Celebrating our trachoma health workers

Health workers around the world have been thrown into the spotlight as they fight the COVID-19 pandemic. With this has come a renewed appreciation of their skills and hard work.

June 2020
Zakari works with the surgeon to record patient data on the TT Tracker

Trachoma trackers in action: how mobile phones are saving sight

Meet Benin's mobile health team who are using mobile phones to track and eliminate trachoma.

June 2020
A man talking into a microphone.

Tackling disability discrimination with BBC Media Action

In Bangladesh, we caught up with BBC Media Action to find out how they’re training journalists to improve how people with disabilities are portrayed in the media, and tackle negative stereotyping and perceptions.

June 2020
A man and women sat on a motorbike.

Mapping via motorbike

This husband and wife team are helping us locate and support people with disabilities in Bangladesh.

May 2020
Landscape with rubbish and cows.

COVID-19: updates from around the world

Find out how our staff and partners in Bangladesh, Nigeria, India and Senegal are adapting amid the COVID-19 crisis.

May 2020
Volunteers demonstrate the importance of washing hands.

Supporting people with disabilities in India during COVID-19

Sightsavers staff around India are making sure that during the pandemic, nobody should be excluded because of disability or gender.

May 2020
A man and a woman stand outside before beginning surveys for the Onchocerciaisis Elimination Mapping project.

Mapping river blindness in Mozambique

Meet Clécio and Silvia, who are helping to map river blindness in Mozambique.

May 2020
Illustration of a playground.

Downloadable colouring pages

Help your children to colour in the sheets and learn that all children, regardless of disability or gender, should be able to attend school.

May 2020
A girl with deafblindness plays with her siblings.

“As a parent, to see your child happy, is as much as you can ask”

Sightsavers and Sense International supported 14-year-old Hellen and her family from Masindi, Uganda, by helping them communicate with each other and support themselves financially.

April 2020
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