From the field

A group of children stand near an eye chart,.

A bright future: saving sight in Tanzania

Across Tanzania, six newly qualified ophthalmic assistants are putting their skills to work supporting remote eye screening camps and testing sight in local hospitals.

February 2021
African Renaissance Monument is lit up in honour of World NTD Day.

World NTD Day 2021: highlights from around the world

On 30 January 2021, Sightsavers joined global celebrations to mark the fight against neglected tropical diseases.

February 2021
A group of surgeons wearing PPE perform eye surgery.

January 2021 updates: highlights from around the world

In Côte d’Ivoire, eye health staff have been working to ensure eye surgery is COVID-safe. Plus news from Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Ghana and more

January 2021
A woman shows two men how correctly cover their mouths when the cough.

Communities in Nigeria drive the fight against COVID-19

The most effective way to tackle health issues is to put affected communities in the driving seat – COVID-19 is no different.

January 2021
Children sit closely together outside.

Voices from Sierra Leone: The experiences of girls with disabilities at school

In Sierra Leone, children with disabilities are often considered not worth educating. We've worked with schools to make sure these children are not left behind.

December 2020
Two girls with visual impairments in a school.

How Sightsavers has helped to adapt braille into Mali’s local language

As part of Sightsavers' inclusive education project, which supports children with visual impairments across Mali, we’ve worked with linguistic expert Dr Issiaka Ballo to translate braille into the local language for the first time.

December 2020
A man wearing a face mask, shield and optical loupes operates on the eye of a dummy

Keeping patients safe during a global pandemic

How research is helping trachoma specialists choose the best face shields to stop the spread of COVID-19.

December 2020
A woman washes her hands during COVID-19 response training while a man observes.

Stepping up to stop the spread of COVID-19 in Ghana

Ghana has not been spared in the coronavirus crisis, but luckily the country started its response early, with NTD support redirected.

December 2020
A man holds up a poster to community members during a COVID awareness campaign.

How NTD programmes helped prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Liberia

The Ascend West and Central Africa programme partners helped Liberia respond to the COVID-19 crisis. Here, we tell how.

December 2020

How one project touched 34 million lives

As the 17-year-long Seeing is Believing project comes to an end, Imran Khan goes behind the scenes to reveal why it has made such an impact.

December 2020