One pair of glasses doesn’t last forever

Will you give more young people the chance to see a brighter future? for assistance donating over"}}" id="donate_1878028636">

Transform the future for children and young people

Did you know that unaddressed refractive error is holding back millions of children around the world? Giving children the gift of clear vision couldn’t be more straightforward – as anyone who wears glasses knows, putting them on for the first time transforms the world around you.

Six years ago, at the age of 11, Shahid experienced this transformation. Thanks to amazing Sightsavers supporters he received his first pair of glasses, enabling him to see clearly for the first time in a year.

697 million
children live in India
1 in every 2
children in India need glasses
children screened for glasses in 2022

Do you remember Shahid?

Shahid and his Grandmother in their home in India.

Shahid’s grandmother, Sahjahan, has looked after him ever since he was a baby, doing her best for him amid the hazards of the deprived area they live in. Poor vision was making his already difficult life even harder. He couldn’t see well enough to read and was struggling at school. He couldn’t play cricket with his friends like he used to. His education, friendships and opportunities were slipping away.

Sahjahan knew glasses could offer her beloved grandson the chance to do well at school – and the chance of a better life.

Sightsavers’ urban eye health programme works with local partners and government facilities to provide eye clinics for people living in some of India’s poorest communities. In 2017, thanks to Sightsavers supporters, Shahid received his first pair of glasses to correct his vision, which helped him to excel in school.

 A pair of glasses can transform a child’s world. Your gift today could help change lives for more children and young people like Shahid.

Now Shahid is on the brink of adulthood, it’s vital that he, and other teenagers like him, can still access the eye care they need to fulfil their potential.

Sahjahan has a deep love and concern for her grandson, and worries about his future opportunities to get a job. It’s a huge relief for her to know that Sightsavers can offer the support Shahid needs.

There are still so many children and young people who just need a pair of glasses to help them see clearly. Today, will you help put more young people on their path to a better future?

Help transform the future for more children and young people